FV2 Architektur GmbH

Felicia Specht


Westermühlstraße 26
München 80469

FV2 Architektur GmbH Contact

Standard rate number

Services Provided

Property type:

Historical / Listed Buildings Public Access Buildings Commercial Buildings Multi-unit Residential Buildings Flats / Apartments Retail Single-Family Homes

Type of Work

New Build Interior Architecture & Design Extension Conversion Feasibility Studies Restoration Building Upgrades Expertise Project Management Renovation

Types of styles

Contemporary modern Traditional Old History


Whether for a new build, Altbau, listed building or public access building - the architecture firm FV2 Architektur GmbH, founded by Felicia Specht in 2017, provides architectural support for all work phases with expertise and great attention to detail. In doing so, our goal is to design custom-made and creative designs for all building projects. We respond to your personal needs, have high expectations when it comes to functionality and always keep an attentive eye on budget and schedule requirements.

The studio's founder Felicia Specht (née Vock) is the second architect in her family. Her grandfather Fritz Vocke founded his architecture firm in 1952 in Munich, and built 6245 apartments during his career. In March 2019, his granddaughter Felicia presented an exhibition on the life and achievements of FV1, to inaugurate the offices of her firm FV2 Architektur GmbH in the Munich district Glockenbachviertel. For architect Felicia Specht and the team of FV2 Architektur, it is especially important to be able to offer comprehensive support throughout your building project. That’s why we support you in all work phases of the following types of building projects:

Your new build is in good hands
Are you looking for an architecture firm for your construction project?

We are happy to handle all work phases of your new build and answer all of your questions. In addition to the architectural design, we keep a close eye on your budget and deadlines.

Altbau restoration is our passion
When it comes to restoring or renovating an Altbau or older building, you may find yourself asking: Is it worth it?

We’re ready to help answer this question and assist you in the process of your Altbau restoration. FV2 Architektur will be your knowledgeable partner for extensions and interior work as well.

Ensuring the success of your listed building project
Listed buildings attract aficionados for their history and specific historical architectural style, whether it’s the beautiful old flooring, a particular style of windows and doors or exposed beams. With our experience in the field of restoration and conservation, we’ll restore your listed building to all its former glory.

In addition to her roles as director and supervising architect, Felicia Specht founded the network Creative Ladies three years ago. She organises monthly lectures, guided tours and discussions for about 250 participants.  Felicia Specht has also mentored students at Prof. Kaufmann’s department of Design and Wood Construction at the Technical University of Munich. Her holistic approach that incorporates architecture, art, teaching and community represents the guiding principle behind FV2 Architektur GmbH.


  • Regional


  • Design / Plans
  • Building permits
  • Construction Management
  • Consulting


  • English
  • German

Registration number:

Contact Information

BY Felicia Specht kontaktiert werden.